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Myofascial Release
Myofascial release is commonly used to address musculoskeletal issues by targeting fascial adhesions, which can form due to trauma, inflammation, or repetitive stress, disrupting tissue alignment and mobility. This approach aims to reduce local tissue stiffness, improve range of motion, and modulate sensory input that may contribute to pain perception. Myofascial release is a manual therapy technique that involves applying sustained pressure to areas of disorganized or restricted fascia—the connective tissue that encases and supports muscles and other structures. Over time, the sustained pressure is believed to allow the tissue to reorganize and restore its natural pliability and alignment. This is considered a "deep tissue" therapy and is similar to trigger point therapy.
CranioSacral Therapy Techniques
Upledger Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that uses light touch to evaluate and enhance the craniosacral system—the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. By releasing restrictions in this system, CST promotes the body's natural healing processes, relieving tension and improving overall function.
CST is used to address a variety of conditions, including:
Chronic pain
Migraines and headaches
Stress and tension-related disorders
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Sleep disturbances
Post-concussion syndrome
Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia
Sessions are non-invasive and tailored to each individual's needs, making CST suitable for people of all ages.
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